Roundleaf Chiretta
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Roundleaf Chiretta
ative Photo: N. Arun Kumar
Common name: Roundleaf Chiretta, Roundleaf Kariyat • Kannada: ಕಾಸಿನಸರ Kasina sara, ಸರದಾಳಿ Saradali, ಸರದಾಳಿಗೆಡ್ಡೆ Saradali gedde
Botanical name: Andrographis serpyllifolia    Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Synonyms: Eriathera serpyllifolia, Andrographis orbiculata

Roundleaf Chiretta is a trailing and rooting procumbent herb widely distributed throughout South India. The flowers are white, with brownish markings, strongly resembling the flowers of Bugloss Chiretta. However, the plant is characterized by its round leaves and trailing habit. It is being actively investigated for its medicinal properties.

Identification credit: N. Arun Kumar Photographed in Hessarghatta Grasslands, Bangalore.

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